Wireless Station

How to Work Remotely

In reference to the image above: “Amateur Wireless Station” — Ha! That’s a perfect nickname for my office. Sadly, phrases like “Work from home!” and “Be your own boss!” have become synonymous with scams and spam. Well, I have worked from home and been my own boss successfully and legitimately for over a decade now. How to Work Remotely

Opposing Forces

How to Disagree without Arguing

While the English language is very precise, it’s still very difficult to communicate with others with understanding and proficiency. Across culture, the very meanings of words don’t always hold. Take the word argue, perhaps a word with the most incorrect negative connotation there is, and while the header of this article is probably the most How to Disagree without Arguing


How to Create a Slack Chat Community with Auto-invites

UPDATE — Just ignore everything below and go here: https://my.slack.com/admin/shared_invites. Hands-down, the easiest solution. UPDATE: New Public/Shared Slack Invite Links — The solution below that I’ve written might be obsolete very soon. Slack has no doubt taken notice how many communities (not just company teams) are utilizing Slack. They haven’t given in completely yet, but How to Create a Slack Chat Community with Auto-invites

Most Annoying 4-Word Sequence in the Entire English Language: “But, the computer says…”

This article is years in the making and I guarantee I’m not the only one that has been frustrated to anger by this brain-cell-killing issue. Here’s the scenario: you call up customer support for say an unpaid bill notice that you know for certain, you damn-well paid. The conversation may go something like this: Customer Most Annoying 4-Word Sequence in the Entire English Language: “But, the computer says…”

Tired of Technology

Woh, for a tech blog, that’s about as cynical and ironic of a header as you can get, but it’s true. As much as I feel some days like completely deleting all those many social profiles I’ve built, wiping out all my websites, blogs, and comments across the web, tossing my laptop in the trash, Tired of Technology

Web: A Needle in a Haystack Industry

The web is a truly unstoppable industry, growing exponentially and completely unaffected (in my opinion) by the economy like other tangible industries, construction and real estate for example. It’s a global community with little to no overhead. It’s never mattered how any specific city, state, country, or even continent is doing, because I’ve reached them Web: A Needle in a Haystack Industry

The Coding Brain

Learning a coding language, in my opinion, is very similar to learning a spoken language. You need to learn how to read and write it well (perhaps not fluently, but well) in order for yourself, as well as others, to understand what you’re communicating. The way a server or browser might not be able to The Coding Brain