
Writing for Techpost

Not that I wrote all that often here on my personal blog anyway, I just wanted to drop a quick announcement that I’ll mostly be writing over at Techpost now, a tech community my friend Trent and I created. Unlike my personal blog, Techpost will be a multi-author content site, and actually, anyone who’s interested Writing for Techpost

Opinion Responsibility

I’ve already touched on the worst extreme of opinions online because of the issue of trolling. But, what about normal day-to-day communication, writing, and commenting? Just because something we say isn’t over-the-top rude doesn’t necessarily make it any less harmful. The internet is full of misinformation, misleading headlines, implications, inferences, scandalous tones, and so on. Opinion Responsibility

Websites Holding Your Info Hostage

I want to clarify upfront that all the points found throughout this article are not necessarily aimed at any company specifically. Although, I mention a few examples in part, it’s important to understand that they merely sparked the idea for this article and most of the information found throughout are simply my generalized observations from Websites Holding Your Info Hostage

I Hate Video Tutorials

I really do. Perhaps that makes me old-school, but I really hate Googling something only to land on a page where the quick snippet of info I need is buried in an often obnoxious, annoying, and awkward video of someone fumbling over their words, taking forever to get to the point. I like simple, to I Hate Video Tutorials

How to Make Money Blogging

My first piece of advice is an ironic and possibly radical one. The best way to make money online blogging, is actually to make that goal secondary. The methodology here, is that you should first, actually enjoy writing about a certain topic, whether you’re making money or not. If your blog isn’t a labor of How to Make Money Blogging


Writing and Readability Cheatsheet

Most of the guidelines below apply to common English for both the web and print in most contexts. However, keep in mind that my advice on writing styles is based mostly on non-fiction, American English on the web. Writing. Write what you know. This is without a doubt, the most regurgitated piece of advice on Writing and Readability Cheatsheet