Way Too Much Information

While that’s often associated with a sarcastic remark to someone who’s perhaps revealed too intimate of details about themselves, I’m actually referring to something else entirely — the disturbing amount of information others have on us. The truth of the matter is that we’re identified and profiled by a staggering amount of statistics in the Way Too Much Information

Is My Online Information Private?

No. At least, not completely. From text messages, phone calls and voicemail, email and IM chats, to search history, shopping habits, etc., your privacy is for the most part, an illusion. The only thing that is private is what’s inside of your head. Once you share something in any capacity, especially through technology, it is Is My Online Information Private?

How to Make Money Blogging

My first piece of advice is an ironic and possibly radical one. The best way to make money online blogging, is actually to make that goal secondary. The methodology here, is that you should first, actually enjoy writing about a certain topic, whether you’re making money or not. If your blog isn’t a labor of How to Make Money Blogging

Google Results Extras

There’s much more to the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) than just your page title, URL, content, and meta tags. Let’s speak, strictly appearance-wise, what control you have over your SERP results. For this, let’s start by looking at an example of the most basic result type: We can see three spots in which we Google Results Extras

Google +1 Button Script

If this is the first you’ve heard of this new Google +1 (Plus One) Button, checkout the official page. First, add this in between your <head> tags: <script src="https://apis.google.com/js/platform.js" async defer></script> Second, add this just below the <body> tag: <div style="position:fixed;bottom:0;left:50px;z-index:1"><g:plusone size="tall"></g:plusone></div> This will fix the Google +1 Button bottom-left on your pages. It will Google +1 Button Script

A-Z of Web Business Mistakes

This is in no way intended to be a definitive, be-all-to-end-all list, but hopefully some may find it helpful. I’ve certainly made some of these mistakes in the past. We’re always learning and the best instance of learning is when you learn something you may be doing wrong, admit it, and come out more knowledgeable A-Z of Web Business Mistakes

hengine Interview

UPDATE — An interesting look back at my little search engine project. Mostly, it was an experiment I created out of curiosity (I’m always tinkering with such ideas). I just never had the time or programming skills to really nurture it into anything truly useful. I ended up selling it in the hopes that someone hengine Interview