How to Make AddThis Responsive

The problem I often see is that someone will pick up an all-responsive website template or WordPress theme for example and they’ll add all sorts of widgets and plugins to it, and more times than not, third-party add-ons are not responsive. As most people are not web designers or programmers, they tend to not think How to Make AddThis Responsive

How to Create Gradients in CSS

Finally, the standard is here for creating non-browser-specific CSS gradients across all the latest, standards-compliant browsers! CSS .grad{background:linear-gradient(#40b3ff, #09f)} HTML <a href="#" class="grad">Simple Gradient Hurray!</a> Demo Simple Gradient Hurray! (if you’re not seeing a gradient, your browser doesn’t support linear-gradient yet) So beautifully simple. Simple Fail-safe for Older Browsers .grad{background-color:#09f;background:linear-gradient(#40b3ff, #09f)} background-color:#09f — Use this How to Create Gradients in CSS

I Hate Video Tutorials

I really do. Perhaps that makes me old-school, but I really hate Googling something only to land on a page where the quick snippet of info I need is buried in an often obnoxious, annoying, and awkward video of someone fumbling over their words, taking forever to get to the point. I like simple, to I Hate Video Tutorials

How to Make Money Blogging

My first piece of advice is an ironic and possibly radical one. The best way to make money online blogging, is actually to make that goal secondary. The methodology here, is that you should first, actually enjoy writing about a certain topic, whether you’re making money or not. If your blog isn’t a labor of How to Make Money Blogging

Google +1 Button Script

If this is the first you’ve heard of this new Google +1 (Plus One) Button, checkout the official page. First, add this in between your <head> tags: <script src="" async defer></script> Second, add this just below the <body> tag: <div style="position:fixed;bottom:0;left:50px;z-index:1"><g:plusone size="tall"></g:plusone></div> This will fix the Google +1 Button bottom-left on your pages. It will Google +1 Button Script