Opinion Responsibility

I’ve already touched on the worst extreme of opinions online because of the issue of trolling. But, what about normal day-to-day communication, writing, and commenting? Just because something we say isn’t over-the-top rude doesn’t necessarily make it any less harmful. The internet is full of misinformation, misleading headlines, implications, inferences, scandalous tones, and so on. Opinion Responsibility

Way Too Much Information

While that’s often associated with a sarcastic remark to someone who’s perhaps revealed too intimate of details about themselves, I’m actually referring to something else entirely — the disturbing amount of information others have on us. The truth of the matter is that we’re identified and profiled by a staggering amount of statistics in the Way Too Much Information


I’ve been a web pro for about 7 years now. I’ve come a long way in that time, but there is still a long way to go in maturing and wisdom. I’ll share with you my findings and hopefully get some feedback from other professionals on how they handle the day-to-day. Rule #1: Keep your Professionalism

User vs Customer

Many services (especially web-based ones) offer both free and premium services and products. While there is a clear line between a free tool and a premium one (you’d remember paying for something), users tend to conveniently forget that fact when it comes to support. Let’s break down the differences… User A user, as you would User vs Customer

Websites Holding Your Info Hostage

I want to clarify upfront that all the points found throughout this article are not necessarily aimed at any company specifically. Although, I mention a few examples in part, it’s important to understand that they merely sparked the idea for this article and most of the information found throughout are simply my generalized observations from Websites Holding Your Info Hostage

Free vs Free in Software

Lately, I’ve been researching different content and software licenses and the philosophies behind them. I was a bit surprised by my findings. First, I’ll explain the two different “frees”. Free Free Software — as in $0.00, costs nothing to download. This is the most common use. I’ll refer to as $free from here on out. Free vs Free in Software

The Customer is Always Right? Wrong.

In fact, the customer or end-user is often wrong. I imagine when the phrase was coined its intended purpose was almost purely marketing, as in to make the customer feel like they’re right even when they’re wrong. Not to be literally taken, although this I’m sure backfired in some cases. In the very least, this The Customer is Always Right? Wrong.

The Truth About Piracy

The majority of what most people probably “know” about piracy, likely comes from those annoying propaganda ads and FBI warnings found at the start of many DVDs. However, the truth, like with anything, lies in a bigger picture of the many different angles and perspectives and isn’t simply black and white. Let’s clear up the The Truth About Piracy

Story of the Internet Troll

Where in the real world, many people are average, boring, conservative consumerists, that dress alike and think alike, drive the same cars, and listen to the same music in an almost pathological “I’m completely normal and socially acceptable, so please don’t look at me or judge.” kind of way, the internet is a totally different Story of the Internet Troll