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and foremost, I am a student in learning in Web & Graphic Design. That is why I can work affordably as not only am I gaining great experience adding to my portfolio, I’m earning credit towards school. A strong value of mine is that I never work on a "Contract" or "Mock-up, two revisions" kind of basis. I only work on an old fashioned "Satisfactory" kind of basis meaning that I work with you, for you until the very end, until 100% satisfaction. I am always open and welcoming when working on a project. If you forget something you needed me to do or simply find something else you needed me to do that we didn’t originally talk about, that’s fine. I’m not going to charge you an arm and a leg because of unexpected changes. I would like to meet contacts that are long lasting.

                                                                          Thank You,                                                                           Bryan Hadaway